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Save the Date

From Friday 26th to Monday 29th of march 2010

Affiche-Chasse-BDwebAs each year, and since 5 years, I will present my work on the Salon de la Chasse de Rambouillet 2010. from Friday 26th to Monday 29th of march 2010.

This year, it was planned to move the show, which usually sat on the Hippodrome de Rambouillet, in a more prestigious place :  the park of Château de Rambouillet.

For now, this project is on stand by, some pseudo-environmentalists are lobbying to prevent implantation on the new site. I give you info of any changes.

Find me on my Stand D37 :

If you want to receive one or two invitations, send me an email with an object like last year “Stéphane, You’re the best!”

More info on their website :

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