The Wild Bunch

The Wild Bunch

"The Wild Bunch"

«The Wild Bunch»

Oil on Canvas – 150 x 70 cm
Original Painting Available

To know the price of this painting, please click here.

“A Painting is often the result of an encounter with someone or an animal. In this case, “The Wild Bunch”, is an encounter with a anonymous stunning picture. It tooks me weeks to find its author and contact him to ask permission to draw inspiration from his picture. Despite the distance, we got acquainted and I was touched by his kindness and availability. He has met these young lions, but now, after three months working on this painting, I seem to have been there with him in South Africa”

"The Wild Bunch" - detail
“The Wild Bunch” – detail

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Comments (2)

  • Paul Répondre

    Hi there I love this painting of the wild bunch, do you do prints of this original and if so what is the cost?

    Paul Dodd

    9 juin 2013 à 22h08
    • Stéphane Alsac Répondre

      Hi Paul,

      Unfortunately, I won’t do prints of this painting … for the moment


      2 août 2013 à 9h44

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